Best of 2018 Blogs: Digital Change in Procurement

Reflecting on 2018? So are we – check out this re-cap of our favorite blogs from this year. 

With 2018 winding down, organisations are full-speed ahead, planning 2019 strategies and setting future goals. Here are the top 5 Basware procurement blogs from 2018 to help you step into the new year with your best foot forward.

Sweet, Sweet Savings

Year after year, savings are a top priority for procurement professionals and organisations in general. And that’s not bound to change anytime soon. As you plan your 2019 strategy for continued savings, make sure you’re focusing on one very important thing: spend visibility. The best way to get 100% spend visibility is through spend and supplier data—and we’ve got five recommended pieces of data to pay extra attention to: 

  1. Controlled versus uncontrolled spending

  2. Percentage of spend by supplier

  3. Spending by department

  4. On-contract versus off-contract spend

  5. Supplier invoice details

Find out what else you should be analysing to increase spend under management and reduce costs in the new year.


Kick-off Supplier Collaboration

Maybe it’s your business resolution every year— “I’ll have a better collaboration with my suppliers this year.” Supplier relationships are a key element to the success of an organisation. In theory, these relationships should be a joint effort between both parties. And though all organisations want to improve their relationships with their suppliers, many find it an uphill battle. Using analytics to further leverage your process and getting supply chain visibility can drastically improve collaboration. And that’s not all. 

We’ve got other great, proven tips to make your supplier relationships even easier. Read more to find out what else you can do to improve collaboration and keep your business resolution in 2019.


Procurement + Technology = Perfection

An important role of a procurement professional is making the work as easy as possible for end-users. It’s not enough to just have a user-friendly interface anymore, either. In a world where apps and websites are becoming more intuitive and second-nature, procurement must make sure it’s keeping up with the trends. And what’s one of the best ways to stay up-to-date in 2019? Get 100% user adoption.

But that’s not the only way procurement groups can make sure they’re maximising their digital abilities and simplifying the process for the end-user. Using advanced technology has changed the way procurement operates and will continue to make waves in 2019.


Want to Learn More?

If you’re approaching 2019 with big goals in mind for your organisation, why not see how adopting e-procurement could drastically change your spend behavior and save you money. And feel free to contact us—we’re here to help!